
All Tor links are just a few clicks away
right in your Tor Browser's bookmarks

Todays fresh copy of tormarks onion links collection:

✅ Updated: few hours ago

More than 1 000 000 downloads!

New links added daily.


Honestly, I don’t understand why this hasn’t been done yet. Why must we navigate through dozens of directories in search of links that suit us, with hundreds and thousands of unnecessary clicks? Now, this is coming to an end – simply import a fresh collection of links gathered from most popular directories in Tor!

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Do not want to import? Just view online!

Quick Start

Quick Start means quick! You can do it in under a minute:

  1. Download
  2. Import in Tor Browser
  3. Select link from category – GO!
  4. Come back often, to get fresh updated copy (optional)

The smartest and most effective way to unlock the deep web’s terra incognita.

A no-brainer to start surfing Tor.

Benefits are endless

  1. Download, import and use in 1 minute! Your existing personal bookmarks not affected!
  2. The main reason to import bookmarks is time. Never wait for this or that directory to load, and never wait for it to load a category or search query. You don’t need to craft your collection – we did it for you. Just instantly open the needed link. Own your links!
  3. ⚡️ Lightning-fast (because it operates on your computer, eliminating the need to load the directory listing through the high-latency Tor network).
  4. The one and only go-to site now is – your Tor journey starts here!
  5. Use the fast internal Tor Browser search.
  6. You can sort in many ways (by name A-Z, Z-A, date modified, visit count, tags etc.), edit, delete or add your own links.
  7. You can open all bookmarks in a folder with just one click (e.g., all search engines or all directories)!
  8. You can still use your own collection, but it’s very handy to have the most comprehensive, fresh, and updated links collection imported into a separate folder just in case.
  9. We monitor broken links and exclude them.
  10. You don’t need to search for the onion address in a clearnet browser and then copy & paste it into the Tor Browser. Simply open Tormark directly in the Tor Browser!
  11. By the way, you don’t even need to import tormarks into Tor Browser, just open it (it’s a simple HTML file) and use it. However, it’s much more comfortable to use them when imported.
  12. And guess what? We have a separate folder of Tor link directories too! So you can always look for more yourself!


The fastest way to enter the dark web world.