
All Tor links are just a few clicks away
right in your Tor Browser's bookmarks


The tormarks onions collection is intended for educational purposes, and we do not endorse any illegal activities. Users are expected to comply with local laws and understand the risks associated with using the Tor network.

tormarks is not responsible for any shops or other onions listed in bookmarks. Exercise common sense before making any purchases or engaging in activities on Tor.

We only provide existing links of the darknet, which are already publicly accessible – as they are. What you do with them is entirely your responsibility.

Links are gathered in a semi-automated mode, so it’s crucial to verify them independently. We do not have the capacity and resources to check all onions for scams round the clock. Even if we could, there are no guarantees that the onion will not change its behavior later. Because of this, you should consider checking all yourself.

Even though we are constantly trying our best to delete scam links, there is a high possibility that some may still exist. Legitimate URLs can also turn into scams (known as exit scams) or be hacked and used maliciously. Therefore, despite our strong recommendation to refrain from engaging in any illegal activities and breaking the law, if you choose to do so, you not only risk facing legal consequences but also the potential loss of funds due to scams. Take every link with a grain of salt and carefully consider all your actions. Always Do Your Own Research (DYOR).

This onion collection is presented AS IS, and we bear no responsibility for how you use it or the consequences of such use. We do not accept any claims in any way if you have utilized any links from the collection.

This resource is intended for researchers only. We do not vouch for any sites. The information provided is solely for educational purposes.

Remember: You only find the stuff that you keep looking for.

Seriously, you only have one life; do not ruin it with time behind bars.

We primarily dedicate our time to adding fresh links, removing broken links, and eliminating any links associated with child abuse (child porn). If you come across such a link, please fill out this form.

By downloading and importing this collection into your Tor Browser, you agree to this disclaimer.